CROC EGGS™ in season now!

Australian-grown & hand-picked apples

Apples: The original snack

Hand-picked apples, grown in orchards around Australia. Enjoy exceptional flavours & the health benefits of high Vitamin C & low GI, supporting your immune health & keeping you fuller for longer. 

The zesty apple that holds the Guinness World Record for World’s Loudest Crunch.

Smitten® apples deliver just one simple promise: a sweet, juicy and full-flavour apple.

Your sweet-tangy, on-the-go favourite.

The most aromatic apple, with hints of honey and a melt-in-your-mouth texture.

The ultimate apple experience: irresistibly sweet with a crisp white flesh that stays whiter for longer.

Naturally red inside, with a tantalising  zesty punch. The result of 20 years of innovation.

Vibrantly yellow, with tropical flavours and mouth-watering juiciness.

eve™ apples offer a balance of sweetness, tang, crispiness and juiciness with every bite.

Can’t forget the classics: Granny Smith, Red Delicious, Pink Lady® and Royal Gala.