yello® – in season now

The Routley family,  third-generation family growers, at their orchard in Katunga.


Striving towards sustainable steps now, so future generations can enjoy fresh fruit and a cleaner planet.


Montague is striving towards net zero emissions by 2045. Montague is committed to improving compatibility between the economic development of the business whilst operating with environmental, and socially responsible practices and enhancing natural resources through our practices.


Montague Farms will support Australians in need, providing them with food and  education to help them thrive.


Montague Farms will provide a respectful workplace that is safe, protects human rights, promotes growth and seeks out likeminded suppliers.


Montague Farms will respect and care for the planet, revitalising the land for future generations to enjoy.


Montague Farms will reduce waste wherever possible, through repurposing fruit into juices and pastes and by contributing regular donations to charities and farmers.

In our time, we’ve seen the world change. Adapting to the impacts of climate change – heavier hail seasons, warmer temperatures and unpredictable weather – hasn’t been easy on our growers and the community as a whole.

Our sustainability destinations – guided by the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals – keep us committed to protecting our planet.

Trailblazing: A Sustainable Cold Storage Solution

The first of its kind in Australia, the Montague Farms vertical cold storage system, a 21-metre high Automated Storage Retrieval System, achieves a 60% lower eco-footprint than a traditional cool room. This is while allowing the same amount of storage of fruit.

Vertical storage:

  • Has the capacity to hold 3,000 bins, with fruit accessed via a robotic crane system
  • Reduces the building size, therefore reducing the energy required for refrigeration
  • Reduces risk of human error as it is primarily operated by machinery
  • Additionally, the cold storage facility has high-speed doors which reduce temperature loss

Saving 3,000,000 litres of water annually

All stormwater at the Narre Warren North site is collected in 2x 500,000 litre tanks. This water is used for amenities, cooling towers for refrigeration systems and orchard irrigation.

Additionally, water used during the packing process is recycled and filtered, saving 3,000,000 million litres of water a year. All waste water is also treated on site and used for irrigation purposes in landscaping and gardening.

Ethical produce

Montague Farms apples are ethically grown, harvested and packed.

We strongly abide by the Australian Modern Slavery Act 2018, which is based upon the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. This ensures everyone from our growers, to our distribution team, is paid a living, fair wage, and feels respectfully and emotionally supported to thrive at work.

View our 2023 Modern Slavery Statement here.

Sustainable solutions

Montague Farms are committed to exploring and practicing more sustainable solutions. These include, but are not limited by:

  • Repurposing fruit into juice, paste, cider and sorbet. To reduce fruit in landfill, fruit is also donated to pig farmers
  • Regular donations to Foodbank and SecondBite, to ensure Australians in need have access to nutritious food
  • Collaborating with industry body Apple and Pear Australia Ltd. (APAL), Woolworths and Coles to explore plastic-free packaging solutions
  • Collaborating with APAL to host educational programs for students, educating on the fruit growing process and sustainability in fruit production, from the orchard to the packing facility
  • Welcoming the community for orchard and facility tours to learn where fruit comes from
  •  All fresh produce at Bill’s Orchard Gate is composted back into the earth
There's always ways to improve as an industry.
As our sustainability goals grow, we're staying committed to achieving them.
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