yello® – in season now

JAZZ™ Apple, Watermelon & Mint Cooler

  • Servings

    Makes: 3-4 servings


  • 2 JAZZ™ apples - core removed and chopped into pieces
  • About 1/2 of a small watermelon – peeled (don’t worry about removing the seeds)
  • A small handful of fresh mint leaves + extra for decoration
  • The juice of 1 lime + extra for decoration


  • This drink couldn’t be simpler. Just place all the ingredients into a blender and blend until fairly smooth
  • Using a muslin cloth strain the juice into a large bowl (to avoid spilling everywhere).
  • Transfer it to a jug and add ice, mint leaves and a few slices of lime
  • This drink is best served immediately.


envy™ Apple, Vanilla Bean & Mascarpone Baked Cheesecake
BBQ Pork Chops with JAZZ™ Apple & Potato



Prep Time

10 mins

Cooking Time

35-40 mins

JAZZ™ Apple and Fig Breakfast Bar



Prep Time

20 mins

Cooking Time

1¼ hrs

Plum, Ricotta and Almond Cake
envy™ Apple Meringue Tarts
JAZZ™ Apple and Bacon Corn Fritters with a Habanero Honey Glaze
Kale, JAZZ™ Apple & Cashew Cheese Salad
the MONTAGUE tree™ spiced plum jam

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