Create a template by drawing 50mm discs on a sheet of baking paper, then place the sheet upside down onto a baking tray.
Place the egg whites and cream of tartar in the bowl of a stand mixer fitted with a whisk attachment and begin to whip.
Once the egg whites reach medium to firm peaks, gradually stream in the caster sugar while continuing to whip.
Sieve the icing sugar (A), almond meal, and plain flour, then fold this mixture through the meringue.
Transfer the dacquoise batter into a piping bag fitted with an 8mm plain piping tip.
Pipe the mixture onto the prepared baking paper, using the template as a guide to create individual discs.
Sieve icing sugar (B) over the dacquoise discs, then bake in the preheated oven for 10-12 minutes, or until a light golden colour is achieved.
Heat the oven to 150°C, fan forced.
Sprinkle the brown sugar, lemon zest, and orange zest over a baking tray with sides.
Cut the plums in half and place them, cut-side down, onto the sugar and zest.
Bake in the preheated oven for approximately 30 minutes, or until they are tender but still hold together.
Remove from the oven and while the plums are still warm, gently pull to remove their skins.
Allow to cool completely before removing the stones.
Soak the gelatine in a bowl of cold water, placing one sheet into the bowl at a time. Once soft and pliable, gently squeeze to remove any excess water, then set aside until required.
Weigh out 1000g of the cooked plums, place them into a small saucepan with the caster sugar and vanilla, and gently heat to 50°C.
Remove from the heat, add the pre-soaked gelatine and stir until it has dissolved and incorporated.
Using a depositor or spoon, half-fill 16 cavities of the Globe26 silicon mould. These will be used as the insert for the petit gateaux.
With the remaining plum compote, fill 16 cavities of the Globe26 mould to the top. These will be used on top of the petit gateaux.
Place in the freezer to freeze completely.
Vanilla mousse
Semi-whip the cream until it has somebody but still collapses, then transfer it into a bowl and set aside in the refrigerator until required.
Soak the gelatine in a bowl of cold water, placing one sheet into the bowl at a time. Once soft and pliable, gently squeeze to remove any excess water, then set aside until required.
Line the petit gateaux rings with acetate strips and place onto a lined baking tray.
Place the milk and vanilla into a saucepan and bring to a boil.
Meanwhile, place the egg yolks and sugar (A) in a bowl and whisk by hand to combine.
Pour the boiled milk over the egg mixture while whisking.
To create an anglaise, transfer the combined mixture back into the saucepan and gently heat while continuously stirring. Once it reaches 80°C, remove from the heat.
Immediately add the pre-soaked gelatine and mix to combine.
Strain the anglaise into a bowl and allow to cool to 30°C, stirring intermittently.
Meanwhile, place the egg whites and cream of tartar into the bowl of a stand mixer fitted with a whisk attachment and begin to whip.
Once it reaches medium to firm peaks, gradually add the sugar (B), whipping until completely dissolved.
Remove from the mixer and fold a little of the anglaise through the meringue. Then, gradually add the remaining anglaise and fold through.
Lastly, add the semi-whipped cream and fold through.
Transfer the mousse into a piping bag and assemble immediately.
Pipe the mousse into the prepared petit gateaux rings until just over half-full.
Use the back of a spoon to spread the mousse up the sides of the rings.
Gently press a frozen plum compote insert in the centre of the mousse.
Pipe additional mousse on top of the insert, leaving enough room for the dacquoise.
Place the dacquoise disc on top of the mousse and gently press down until it is flush with the top of the ring.
Remove any excess mousse, then place the petit gateaux into the freezer for a minimum of 6 hours.
Once completely frozen, unmould the petit gateaux, leaving the acetate on, and return to the freezer.
White Chocolate Collar
Spread the tempered chocolate in a thin, even layer over the acetate strips.
Transfer the strip onto a clean area of the workbench.
Once the chocolate is set to touch, wrap it around the frozen petit gateaux and secure it with tape.
Place the water and neutral glaze in a saucepan over medium heat and bring to a boil, then strain into a jug.
Unmould the frozen plum compotes for the top of the petit gateaux and place them onto a wire rack.
Pour the glaze on top of the plum compotes to evenly coat.
Carefully transfer the glazed compote on top of the petit gateaux, ensuring it is centred.
Use a paring knife to cut small wedges from the fresh plums. Place the wedges onto a piece of paper towel to remove the excess moisture.
Arrange the wedges of plum around the outside of the glazed compote.
Finish with a touch of gold leaf.
Waffles with Poached HONEYCOT® Apricots & Rosewater Greek Yoghurt