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Plum and White Chocolate Petit Gateau by Kirsten Tibballs


  • Almond Dacquoise
  • 55g egg whites
  • 1.3g cream of tartar
  • 55g caster sugar
  • 55g pure icing sugar (A)
  • 45g almond meal
  • 13g plain flour
  • Pure icing sugar (B), for dusting
  • Plum Compote
  • 200g brown sugar
  • 1 lemon zested
  • 1 orange zested
  • 1400g the MONTAGUE tree™ plums
  • 8g gold gelatine sheets
  • 120g caster sugar
  • 10g Heilala Vanilla Bean Paste
  • Vanilla Mousse
  • 440g Bulla Thickened Cream 35% fat
  • 15.5g gold gelatine sheets
  • 440g full cream milk
  • 10g Heilala Vanilla Bean Paste
  • 105g egg yolks
  • 35g caster sugar (A)
  • 115g egg whites
  • 2.8g cream of tartar
  • 160g caster sugar (B)
  • White Chocolate Collar
  • 600g Callebaut W2 White Chocolate 28%, tempered


Almond Dacquoise

  • Heat the oven to 160°C, fan forced.
  • Create a template by drawing 50mm discs on a sheet of baking paper, then place the sheet upside down onto a baking tray.
  • Place the egg whites and cream of tartar in the bowl of a stand mixer fitted with a whisk attachment and begin to whip.
  • Once the egg whites reach medium to firm peaks, gradually stream in the caster sugar while continuing to whip.
  • Sieve the icing sugar (A), almond meal, and plain flour, then fold this mixture through the meringue.
  • Transfer the dacquoise batter into a piping bag fitted with an 8mm plain piping tip.
  • Pipe the mixture onto the prepared baking paper, using the template as a guide to create individual discs.
  • Sieve icing sugar (B) over the dacquoise discs, then bake in the preheated oven for 10-12 minutes, or until a light golden colour is achieved.

  • Heat the oven to 150°C, fan forced.
  • Sprinkle the brown sugar, lemon zest, and orange zest over a baking tray with sides.
  • Cut the plums in half and place them, cut-side down, onto the sugar and zest.
  • Bake in the preheated oven for approximately 30 minutes, or until they are tender but still hold together.
  • Remove from the oven and while the plums are still warm, gently pull to remove their skins.
  • Allow to cool completely before removing the stones.
  • Soak the gelatine in a bowl of cold water, placing one sheet into the bowl at a time. Once soft and pliable, gently squeeze to remove any excess water, then set aside until required.
  • Weigh out 1000g of the cooked plums, place them into a small saucepan with the caster sugar and vanilla, and gently heat to 50°C.
  • Remove from the heat, add the pre-soaked gelatine and stir until it has dissolved and incorporated.
  • Using a depositor or spoon, half-fill 16 cavities of the Globe26 silicon mould. These will be used as the insert for the petit gateaux.
  • With the remaining plum compote, fill 16 cavities of the Globe26 mould to the top. These will be used on top of the petit gateaux.
  • Place in the freezer to freeze completely.

Vanilla mousse

  • Semi-whip the cream until it has somebody but still collapses, then transfer it into a bowl and set aside in the refrigerator until required.
  • Soak the gelatine in a bowl of cold water, placing one sheet into the bowl at a time. Once soft and pliable, gently squeeze to remove any excess water, then set aside until required.
  • Line the petit gateaux rings with acetate strips and place onto a lined baking tray.
  • Place the milk and vanilla into a saucepan and bring to a boil.
  • Meanwhile, place the egg yolks and sugar (A) in a bowl and whisk by hand to combine.
  • Pour the boiled milk over the egg mixture while whisking.
  • To create an anglaise, transfer the combined mixture back into the saucepan and gently heat while continuously stirring. Once it reaches 80°C, remove from the heat.
  • Immediately add the pre-soaked gelatine and mix to combine.
  • Strain the anglaise into a bowl and allow to cool to 30°C, stirring intermittently.
  • Meanwhile, place the egg whites and cream of tartar into the bowl of a stand mixer fitted with a whisk attachment and begin to whip.
  • Once it reaches medium to firm peaks, gradually add the sugar (B), whipping until completely dissolved.
  • Remove from the mixer and fold a little of the anglaise through the meringue. Then, gradually add the remaining anglaise and fold through.
  • Lastly, add the semi-whipped cream and fold through.
  • Transfer the mousse into a piping bag and assemble immediately.


  • Pipe the mousse into the prepared petit gateaux rings until just over half-full. Use the back of a spoon to spread the mousse up the sides of the rings.
  • Gently press a frozen plum compote insert in the centre of the mousse.
  • Pipe additional mousse on top of the insert, leaving enough room for the dacquoise.
  • Place the dacquoise disc on top of the mousse and gently press down until it is flush with the top of the ring.
  • Remove any excess mousse, then place the petit gateaux into the freezer for a minimum of 6 hours.
  • Once completely frozen, unmould the petit gateaux, leaving the acetate on, and return to the freezer.

White Chocolate Collar

  • Spread the tempered chocolate in a thin, even layer over the acetate strips.
  • Transfer the strip onto a clean area of the workbench.
  • Once the chocolate is set to touch, wrap it around the frozen petit gateaux and secure it with tape.


  • Place the water and neutral glaze in a saucepan over medium heat and bring to a boil, then strain into a jug.
  • Unmould the frozen plum compotes for the top of the petit gateaux and place them onto a wire rack.
  • Pour the glaze on top of the plum compotes to evenly coat.
  • Carefully transfer the glazed compote on top of the petit gateaux, ensuring it is centred.
  • Use a paring knife to cut small wedges from the fresh plums. Place the wedges onto a piece of paper towel to remove the excess moisture.
  • Arrange the wedges of plum around the outside of the glazed compote. Finish with a touch of gold leaf.


BLACK DIAMOND® Plum Panna Cotta and Plum Jelly



Prep Time

10 mins

Cooking Time

5 mins

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Prep Time

10 mins

Cooking Time

20 mins

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Prep Time

40 mins

Cooking Time

70 mins

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